Election 2016 – Get Out and Vote!

hillary-clintonNovember 8th is drawing closer and every day the percent points between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump narrow. The tighter it gets the more important it is to get out and vote. The outcome of this election with be historically important to women no matter who wins.

I would like to address the under 45 generation that have grown up with the right to choose and birth control. Please don’t make the mistake of not voting or worse yet voting for the candidate who will not protect those rights. With Supreme Court nominations at stake, we can’t afford to have a court that would overturn our right to choose.

Donald Trump on abortion: “You have to ban it… there has to be some form of punishment.” As if the medical complications and deaths that occur from women forced to seek illegal abortions aren’t enough punishment.

This isn’t about whether abortion is right or wrong, it is about each woman having the chance to decide for herself what is the right choice for her. If we don’t stand up and cast a vote for Hillary Clinton who will protect that right, we are handing the power to make that decision for us to a rich white man who has no respect for women. We cannot trust our future to a man who when caught on tape admitting to using privilege to assault women dismissed this serious conversation as “locker room talk”.

Let us make a page in history that we will be proud of and elect Hillary Clinton president. When we stand together and elect the first woman President of the United States not only are we safe guarding the future for our daughters and granddaughters, we are insuring that that there is not position in our country that they can’t aspire to and achieve.

Creative Commons image: Originally posted to Flickr by Gage Skidmore at https://flickr.com/photos/22007612@N05/24007578223